Parker is a hit wherever he goes. Slowly he is warming up to the newcomers in his life. I love watching some of our neighbors and friends and what they do when they see them. Here are a few that I have noticed and consider them Parker's BIG friends:
Kevin - Every time he see's Parker you can hear him call out his name from anywhere in the church building and Parker is always eager to respond with a quick turn of the head and a grin. Kevin frequently follows this up with a reference to Manny Ramirez and how Parker likes "Manny". Other than the long hair that Parker is starting to get,Parker looks more like a catcher than anything else.
Brad - Brad burst on the scene at an Emery basketball game as Parker gravitated to a bright gold shirt that he was wearing. Ever since then Brad will take every chance he can to hold him and play with him.
Bishop - Parker is slowly warming up to Bishop. Perhaps it is because Bishop has been keeping an eye on his neck and making sure its working properly. In the process of this he has used a little physical therapy that Parker didn't seem to enjoy initially. Perhaps this is how Parker's going to learn the tough lesson of being corrected.
Marty - Marty is still working his way in. It doesn't help that the instant Parker starts crying he is handed over to mom or day but his heart is in the right place. Marty's frequent visits make him a familiar face.
Cowboy Rod - Rod became a big friend by the times he spent in the hallways at church with Parker. Rod's hands were always full with his boy but always found time for Parker
President Sharp - President Sharp doesn't miss an opportunity to hold Parker and even gave a talk at Stake Conference in which Parker and another little boy were the object lessons.
I don't know what is more enjoyable, watching Parker's reaction or the reactions of his new "Big Friends". Whatever the case it's nice to know that others are watching and looking after him.