I can't even describe what it was like to actually have this day come. Sept. 12 seemed so far out there on my training schedule, but yesterday truly was a reality! I never thought that after all those years of telling my distance friends they were crazy, I would join their ranks. I have definitely trained hard for this and made it a real goal of mine to reach. Along the way, my friend Heather Eden jumped into it with me. I am grateful for that because it gave me more motivation. It has been fun to push myself in a different way, beyond limits that I had set for myself.
So... yesterday, September 12, I woke up at 5:00 a.m., ate breakfast, and got ready for the big Half Marathon. Heather picked me up at 5:50 a.m. and we headed to Huntington where the buses would shuttle us to the starting line. My nerves were shot! I was so anxious and excited to run. I felt ready, but I was scared all at the same time! 13.1 miles is a long way. Well, we finally got to the starting line and waited even longer. I was so fidgety. By about 7:45 they got us started. We were off to a great start. I felt so good and was keeping a pretty fast pace! Heather told me once that is was outside of her comfort level, and truthfully it was outside of mine, too, but I figured we needed to push ourselves because it was the race! We continued to cruise along grabbing a drink along the way every 2 miles. At about mile 7 I was starting to feel some signs of fatigue from the pace we had been going, but we continued. Shortly after that, we had a guy jump in with us who said we were an inspiration to him. He had been watching how pumped we were and the pace we had set and figured we could keep him going. He was actually a good distraction for us from the pain and fatigue we were feeling and he in turn kept us going. Each mile became a little harder and each water station became more sought after. At the last station for the final mile I had to walk for a bit. Thanks to Heather and this man named Eric, I got going again. As we came around the bend I could see Devin, and my Mom holding sleeping Parker, and the emotions hit me. Then I saw my Dad a few more steps down the road. I couldn't hold back the tears and felt a surge of adrenaline. I was able to finish with a sprint and come across the finish line in 2 hrs and 9 min. I was pretty battered and happy all at the same time. I am so glad to have been able to accomplish this task. There were many prayers during that race and many thank yous after! I am truly grateful to Heavenly Father for the strength to do this, a family who supports, a great friend in Heather to keep me going, and a husband to gave me time to make it happen! It's been a fun ride! Maybe I will continue. I won't say that today, because I am sore, but maybe when my legs feel better I will start training for the next one!

Heather and I @ 5:50 a.m. ready to run!
Last mile of the race!
Smiling even after 13 miles
Mom, Dad, & Parker - My athletic supporters!
Me and my strength (Devin)
Heather, Tyler, Kate, Cory, and Tommy
The official time sheet!
Friends until the end!