Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bring On Chinese New Year!

Everyone should celebrate Chinese New Year for it is the Chinese that we are indebted to for so many things.  If you don't believe me, grab your chopsticks and pull up your bamboo chair and listen up.  Here are some reasons why you ought to celebrate Chinese New Year!

  *Fireworks that would even make those Wyomin' folk jealous!



  *Bamboo!  (You can do anything with this stuff!)

 * They have cool hats!!

 * They speak a language that even banging pots and pans together can't imitate!

  *They know how to put on a celebration!  (Olympics!)

  *They have "mini" towns dotted all around the world and own just about every Chinese  Buffet!

  *Jackie Chan


  *They have animals for new years!  we have stars!?  Give me cool animals like dragons, bulls, and roosters!

 *Kung Fu Panda

  *Classic Literature!  (The 5 Chinese Brothers!)

There is no convincing me, I'm hopping on the Chinese Golden Dragon Train!  With Chinese New Year knocking on the door there will be much celebration and rice eating for this wanna be China man!

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