Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy MA'S day

Parker's scream and plea for mom can be heard in any setting, whether it be in a crowded church meeting or in the spacious hole known as Wal-Mart. Most often this plea comes as mom is right next to him. These moments of beckoning provides insight into the mother that Melissa is:

Though Parker hasn't learned his "quiet voice" Melissa is always quick to hear and respond to the plea. This reveals Melissa's nature of always being there and ready to teach. Melissa "being there" has come at great expense as she had to make a decision a few years ago to stay at home and be that mom "to be there". For every milestone, mom has "been there".

Parker's "wanting" to be with mom is evident when I walk through the door at lunch to which he responds with a tantrum, accompanied by cries, running into things, etc. It is almost as if I interrupted his time with mom. Catching glimpses of mom reading to him, dancing with him, and smothering him with love, leads me to think that I too would throw a tantrum if somebody else came into the picture.

I remember at the baby blessing that one of the things Parker was blessed with was a desire to be close to mom. So far "being close" to mom means screaming in her face, jumping on her stomach, and trying to pull her ears off. In time it can be assured that there will be a closeness that cannot be broken, no matter if it be ears or heart strings.

And so on this mothers day, we take the in your face moment of screaming and pleading to say, "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!" (input Parker's red screaming face as he is pulling at your ears!)

Through teaching and example, there is no doubt what her actions are leading Parker to.

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