Monday, August 2, 2010

Pageant Debut

Mud sticks. Though this may be an obvious statement, it was futher engrained in me when I made my Pageant Debut cast as Chester in the Mud Scene of the Castle Valley pageant. Filling in at the last moment as one of the "mud boys" was a dream come true from the first day I saw the pageant 5 years ago. This dream soon turned into a nightmare as I froze under the lights and demonstrated my inability to act, even though it is all recorded and body movements is all that is required. The best I could do was to lose both of my boots and get mud in every possible place. After my debut I cam home a little discouraged, thinking I had ruined the pageant and had come to the conclusion that mud really does stick but what I need to stick to is anything but mud, especially if it is under the lights.

Below is my 2 minutes of fame (I'm the one on the far left, the one that can't dance):

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