Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Grandpa Swenson

Grandpa Swenson passed away on Friday, May 24, 2013.  We received a phone call around 10:30 am informing us that he had peacefully passed away in his home around 8:30 am in Spanish Fork, Utah.  After hearing the news I (dad) gathered Parker and Brock and told them what had happened to their Great Grandpa.  I had the following tender moment with Parker:

Dad:  Grandpa passed away. 

Parker:  To where?

Dad:  To the spirit world

Parker:  What is that?

Dad:  That is where you go when you die

Parker:  So we can't call him anymore?

Parker:  When he comes alive can we call him again?

Parker:  I will see Grandpa again when he comes alive

We had the sacred opportunity of visiting with Grandpa Swenson on the phone on the Monday and Wednesday prior to his passing.  The boys sang" I Hope They Call Me On A Mission" and "I Love to See the Temple".  He expressed how much he appreciated hearing the singing and then shared his final counsel with us "Take care of your family and keep doing what is right!"

Having talked with Melissa and visiting with the boys we expressed gratitude and comfort for family as we prayed to our Heavenly Father.

Thoughts?  I couldn't help but think of my love for my Grandpa and how he was now spending time with family and even perhaps our son that will be joining our family soon.  I looked at my yard in which I had been working and noticed not a single dandelion of which I think he would have been proud.

Days after the funeral Parker continues to pray for Grandpa Swenson "in the spirit world" and perhaps said it best, "I will always remember Grandpa Swenson."  

Me too because of all that he taught us!

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