Sunday, September 14, 2008


A couple of Saturdays ago, the opening weekend of the college football season, I woke up early to check on Parker.  I found him asleep in his crib with his arms straight up in the air signaling a touchdown.  I knew then that I have a football buddy to watch games with until he is the one punishing linebackers himself!  As you can tell, he is a buckeyes fan!


Cammie said...

Very cute!

Kimberly said...

Melissa, Melissa, Melissa!
Dang cute baby, I must say! Looks like his ... who can ever tell! I see that you are raising him to be a true member of the "esplin team"! Adorable! Hope all is well! I hope you don't mind me snooping. It's amazing who you can find when you snoop!

Kaylee said...

Woo Hoo!! Go Bucks!!!!

The Christians said...

He is so cute and you look great in those blessing pictures. It was fun to talk to you the other day. We love you guys.

Laurel said...

:) Hi Esplins! How are you guys? Parker is very cute :)

See you at school tomorrow Bro. Esplin.

Ryan Esplin said...

Linebacker? Let's hope he gets his athletic genes from his mother because we both know the Esplins don't bring much to the table.