Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Parker Olympics

During the winter Olympics we spent some time watching the olympics.  I don't know if this is a by product of the Olympics but during this time Parker would get the laundry basket out and practice standing on it while raising his hands in triumph.  We can only hope that our little Olympian will one day be standing on top of a little more than a laundry basket.  Nonetheless Parker truly caught the spirit of the Olympics.

Wait for it



Jacqueline said...

lol. love it! he's too stinkin cute!

Christy said...

He must be rooting for that girl on American Idol!

McKensi and Justin said...

Hey! Amazing what you come across when you browse (aka stalk) through other people's blogging friends. Pretty cool that I found your blog. Your lil boy is just adorable!!