Friday, May 4, 2012

Growin' Grapes

I once heard a neighbor of mine explain why he grew such a large garden.  He said, "I'm not growing a garden, I'm growing kids."  I like this because that is how I was taught.  Having been taught this by example and now by word I thought I would put this to the test.

A few weeks ago Parker and I planted some grapes.  He was excited to grow the "blue grapes" (concord).   He insisted on digging up the dirt with the shovel while we carefully placed it in the ground.  As part of the growing grapes we decided that Parker would be responsible for taking care of his grapes.  He would receive a quarter every time that he watered his grapes.

So far we are happy to report that the grapes are still alive and that Parker is well on his way to becoming a millionaire (that is of course if we can talk him out of buying a trampoline and a motorcycle as is planned for his earnings)

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