Thursday, May 3, 2012

Play by Play Prayer

What makes a good broadcaster is his ability to portray the events transpiring before his eyes in such a way that those listening feel like they are right there in the booth watching the game.  The more details included provide a vivid picture and the game comes alive.

If prayers were like broadcasting, then Parker could be the Vin Scully equivalent.  As Parker's prayers evolve (at some times we think that we are digressing) we have entered a stage where his prayers are detailed descriptions of just about anything.  If these prayers were broadcast over the heavenly airwaves, this would be a sample (with a little static on our part)

"Please bless these carrots and this pizza, and these pickles, I have five of them, and then I will eat a cookie after and bless Brock, he is not closing his eyes, and bless all of the Prophets and all of the superheros . . ."

The airwaves were alive the other night when he broke out in song during prayer:

"Bless we can have a good night sleep, bless the fruit trees, bless we can "Choose the right when a choice is placed before you . . ."

Just this morning he offered up a prayer of gratitude:

"Bless I went to the Doctor but it wasn't the doctor, it wasn't Dr. Madsen and I was really good and I got a new tootbrush, it has Cars 2 on it and I got new toothpaste, bless dad have a good day at work and that we can have a good day at home . . ."

Those who grew up with only the radio and huddled around its messages say that Vin Scully was the best.  He could bring a game to life.  Well, Vin Scully now has some competition.  Parker Esplin can call upon the heavens in a way that has brought life to our home as we huddle around him and listen to him pray.

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