Friday, May 18, 2012

Opening Day!

With the impending possibility that there would be no T-Ball, we stepped to the plate and offered our services.  Offering our services led to us running the league.  With a phone call we got Steve Stoker to jump on board.  As we got registration going for the league we decided that we would have an opening day to kick things off.

With about 20+ tee ballers gathered at the Rec Center in Castle Dale we officially began the season.  We had three stations, hitting, running the bases, and throwing (through tires).  To get in the baseball mood we had classic baseball music playing in the background.  Parker and his buddy Krae went to each station together while Brock roamed the fields.  At the end of the stations we gave the kids some cracker jacks and gatorade!

It was a lot of fun and was a success.  Let's hope that Opening Day is a sign of things to come.

Play Ball!

1 comment:

The Christians said...

How fun!!! Good job guys.