Monday, August 24, 2009

What's better than a good book?

Devin loves to read and I like it a lot.  I am learning to love it more and more.  I really think it is important to teach this love to Parker.  Ever since he was a baby Devin and I would read to him and he would listen and then babble back.  Little by little he started to catch on to turning the pages and picking favorite books.  Recently we have been reading good ol Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat, and he loves it.  The other night after his bath I caught him in the corner "reading" his book.  It was the cutest thing and I happened to catch a few shots on the camera.  What a cute boy!

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

oh that is such a good thing to do! I try to read to Myla too! She likes to hold books